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Let's Connect! 


Email: rosequartzrising@gmail.com

Instagram: rose.quartz.rising

Facebook: Rose Quartz Rising


All services are to be paid in advance.  By paying for a service, the client agrees to the following terms:

All sessions will be mutually scheduled and arrival is expected to be on time.  Late arrivals will be charged the full fee; the coach will wait 15 minutes before the session is considered a no-show.  No shows will be charged the full fee.  Cancellations must be provided within 24-hours in advance.  Refunds will not be granted for cancelled services. 

Fitness classes are not transferrable to another date or to another person, and missed classes or cancellations are not refundable. Purchaser is responsible for attending classes for which they have registered.


Coaching is not meant to replace therapy or intensive mental health services for clinical illnesses.  Please consult your family doctor or mental health care team for more intensive, clinical services.